This function retrieves the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) European mapping dataset created by Demuzere et al. (2019) and available at It allows you to obtain the LCZ map for a specific area of interest, which can be a city, state, region, or custom-defined shape.
- city
A character string specifying the name of your target area based on the OpenStreetMap project.
- roi
Optionally, you can provide a Region of Interest (ROI) in ESRI shapefile format to clip the LCZ map to a custom area.
- isave_map
Logical. Set to TRUE if you wish to save the resulting clipped map as a raster TIFF file on your local machine.
- isave_euro
Logical. Set to TRUE if you wish to save the European LCZ map as a raster TIFF file on your local machine.
Demuzere, M., Bechtel, B., Middel, A., & Mills, G. (2019). Mapping Europe into local climate zones. PLOS ONE, 14(4), e0214474. DOI: Demuzere, M.; Bechtel, B.; Middel, A.; Mills, G. (2019): European LCZ map. Figshare. Dataset. Anjos, M. (2024). LCZ4r Package Dataset. Zenodo.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example 1: Load the LCZ map for a city
my_lcz_city <- lcz_get_map_euro(city = "Berlin")
# Example 2: Get LCZ map for a custom region of interest
custom_roi <- sf::st_read("custom_roi.shp")
roi_lcz <- lcz_get_map_euro(roi = custom_roi)
} # }